To add on to our last massive search update, we’ve made an update to story searching! Before you would see something like this:
The font and icons were so big you could only see a couple stories at once and had to scroll to see long story titles.
To make it easier to find the stories you’re working on, we removed the icons and updated the font so you can read the entire story title without a lot of scrolling.
And if you have lots of stories with the same name, like you see in the example above, you can always search using the story ID you find in the URL:
To make sure you find the right one.
While we were updating things that involve a lot of scrolling, we noticed that if you had a really long line in the script editor you would have to scroll to see the end of it. Which means you could never see the whole line at the same time!
So we added line wrapping to make long lines wrap to the next line instead of going out of the screen. Even if you change the size of your window, you’ll always be able to see everything you’re writing!
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