To start searching, just click the search bar in the upper right-hand corner of the app. You can also hotkey your way to search success within the currently-viewed channel by pressing ctrl + F (Win) or cmd + F (Mac). Opening the search bar will bring up a window with some search filter suggestions:
Filtering Searches
Typing any one of the filter keywords or selecting them in the dropdown in the search box will use that filter in your next search, as indicated by the dark background on the word. There are four filters you can use:
From: Use the From filter to narrow down your search results to a specific user. (Good place to start!)
Has: The Has filter lets you search through messages based on media contained within the message. Using Link or Embed filters will point you towards messages containing those items, whereas Video, Sound, and Image filters can sort through messages with any embedded media (from any source!) to give you those specifics. You can also combine filters for added search power.
In: Using the In filter will allow you to select which channels within your currently open server you want to search through. After selecting “in:” simply type in any of the channel names and select them
Before, During, & After: These tags allow you to search chronologically and pull up an interactive calendar to choose the starting date of the search. You can combine both Before and After filters to search within a range of dates as well. Chronological filters aren't just limited to specific dates, you can also choose days of the week (before: Monday), weeks (before: Week), or months (after: May) depending on what you're looking for.
Search filters are also stackable, allowing you to use more than one in a search to zoom in a little more and find exactly what you're looking for. For instance, I can use from: Nelly to find everything she's said in the server, but I can add in: #general to find everything she's said in the general channel!
If you've found what you're looking for, you can click the Jump button in the top-right corner of the message when the icon appears.
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